Series: Simply Complex
Message: Complex Beliefs
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira
Daily Walk: Japhet De Oliveira
Refresh: Open with prayer. Ask God for understanding through the Holy Spirit.
Read: Matthew 5:21–48 (Message). Note 1–3 insights or questions that arise from the paraphrase.
Reflect: Of course today would be the day that we read the Message paraphrase of the text, since this is the day when I wanted to focus on verses 27–30. The paraphrase so eloquently summarized the issue of lust—when you think you are getting away with “those leering looks you think nobody notices—they also corrupt.” Jesus does not miss a beat.
We have to admit that society is currently saturated with all types of advertising—for everything from the latest must-have iPhone through to the best toilet paper that cute little puppies love to play with. Advertising is aimed at all ages and demographics through every medium possible, and pretty much every subject or product is covered. As far back in human history as we can tell, the adoration of the human body has been a big seller. This is evident from viewing art created over the last 2,000 years. Today, you have to wonder what exactly are the roles of the cheerleaders at family-friendly football games? What are the roles of the two scantily-clad women behind Mayweather and McGregor during their post-boxing-match speeches? Are they there to capture our imagination? To keep us focused? Sexual desire is a rather delicate matter that we do not talk about much in polite society. We have decades—no, centuries—no, millennia!—of unhealthy habits and attitudes passed down from generation to generation without anyone ever really stopping to say, “Something is broken here. Is this what God wanted?”
What do you do when you are in mall and you walk past Victoria’s Secret or Abercrombie & Fitch? Let us not pretend that lust is only a male issue. What do you do with your Instagram and Snapchat feeds when racy photos appear? What about movie and television scenes? There are several schools of thought on dealing with the issue of lust. These range from wholeheartedly embracing and accepting it as part of human nature through to denying that it exists at all. A preacher shared that he gives his wife his surf magazine so that she can rip every inappropriate image out first before he reads it. All I could wonder was how many pages left were there to read? In a surf magazine?
Jesus is focusing on dwelling on lust and the effect this has on us. He is not talking about what we see in an instant. He is not saying that it is a sin to have desire. He is talking about “leering looks” and emotional engagement that builds towards adultery. Lust is not attraction. Lust is control and domination. Lust is not sexy and it is not love. Jesus again calls us to a higher place with regard to our sexual lives.
Recalibrate: How do you move from lust to respect and admiration?
Respond: Pray for a pure heart.
Research: Read Philippians 4 and process what Paul’s challenge might mean for your life.