Series: It's All Good
Message: The Art of Gratitude
Preacher: Dena King
Daily Walk: Dena King
Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 113.
Read: Luke 17:11–19 (ESV). As you re-read the text for the final time this week in the English Standard Version, what new insights did you discover about God’s character?
Reflect: Reading through my Facebook feed the other day, I came across a post from my friend, Mark, who had been stranded at the Chicago airport for nearly two days. He had made a conscious choice to try to enjoy the experience. He writes:
“This morning I read Ecclesiastes 5 as a part of our reading wisdom literature together and thought, why not eat, drink and enjoy myself? So that’s what I’m doing. I walked the whole airport and searched out every restaurant to find the best breakfast meal. I enjoyed every morsel of the tasty meal. I drank my large OJ slowly, enjoying every sip. I put a little extra jam on my sourdough toast. I found a quiet corner of the airport to do some yoga. A 6’6” fifty-five year old man doing yoga to stretch and take care of his body must have been quite a sight to all the passing travelers. I didn’t care, I decided I was enjoying my Ecclesiastes 5 moment.
Then I noticed a family that I had seen the day before in Charlotte. Found out they were traveling because of a sick mother, prayed with the little family over their mother and blessed them as a family. First time I’ve done that in an airport.
I’m looking forward to finding something great for lunch. I may watch a movie on my computer, since the wifi is free and fast. Who knows what kinds of fun I’m going to have today?”
Solomon says in Proverbs 10:21 “The words of the godly encourage many . . .” Just as bad moods are contagious, so is gratitude. Today, may you be an encouragement to many through your kind words and thankfulness in all situations.
Recalibrate: Why is it sometimes so difficult to look for the good in a bad situation?
Respond: Pray for the ability to find good in an otherwise ugly situation, and the opportunity to share that with someone around you.
Research: Visit and watch “Kid President’s 25 Reasons To Be Thankful!”