Series: Committed
Message: Authenticity
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira
Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 64:7-10.
Read: John 8:12-30 (ESV). As you re-read the text for the final time this week in the English Standard Version, what new insights did you discover about God’s character?
Reflect: I waited all week to ask this question: Were you satisfied with this passage or did you feel the urge to read the verses before and after? I know that I had to. The story of the woman caught in adultery, the “I Am the Light of the World” conversation, the challenge that truth is liberating, and the claim of pre-existence caused Jesus’ listeners to pick up stones (similar to those intending for the woman caught in adultery), ready to hurl them at Jesus himself. Chapter 8 is a powerful thread of Jesus confronting people and the results were explosive.
Each one of these is tied to the single “I Am” statement—Light of the World. If you are looking for an authentic life, it starts, it continues, and it will be in Jesus only. This confronts you with huge change; each of those areas calls for radical shifts in perspective and practice.
Respond: Pray for freedom in an authentic walk with God.
Research: Read one of the recommended commentaries on the passage for this week.