Teaching Series
The Call of Christmas
Matthew 1:18-25

Series: The Call of Christmas  
Message: The Call to Protect  
Preacher: Japhet De Oliveira

Refresh: Open with prayer. Read or listen to Psalm 43.

Read: Matthew 1:18-25—As you re-read for the final time this week in the ESV translation, what did you discover new about God’s character? 

Reflect: Grant R. Osborne in the Exegetical Commentary on The New Testament: Matthew, pages 81-82, share this insight:

“The Spirit is not a major theme in Matthew, unlike Luke and John. However, here the Spirit is central, and Matthew does want his readers to realize his presence in Jesus’ birth and in our world. While simplistic, there is truth in the Trinitarian saying, ‘The Father proclaims, the Son performs, the Spirit perfects.’ The Spirit is the presence of the Father and the Son in this world. Jesus makes clear in John’s Farewell Discourse (John 14-17) that he must depart so the Spirit may come (John 16: 7). This is the age of the Spirit, the final stage in God’s plan to prepare this world for the eschaton, when the eternal age will be inaugurated. Bruner says: The Holy Spirit is the one who brings Jesus to birth in persons, the one who makes Jesus alive in human life, who makes Jesus historical and real. The Genesis of Jesus inside human life is the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit, the Creator Spiritus, who began the world’s creation (Gen 1: 2) and now generates the world’s salvation.”

Jesus is coming back soon and we are called to share that good news with the whole planet. But it is the power of the Holy Spirit that can turn our feeble attempts into the moments of joy, when someone else also discovers God for themselves and becomes a follower. 


  1. Share a story of someone you helped introduce God to and were part of their journey of discovery.

Respond: Pray for the soon return of Jesus.

Research: Read one of the books or commentaries for this series on Luke 1:1-38

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